My Brother Makes Me Laugh

By Manuel Raria

My brother makes me laugh
When he tells me jokes.

They are as funny As a penguin waddling
On an iceberg in the zoo.

They are as funny
As a parrot eating a bowl
Of spaghetti with cheese
And tomato sauce.

They are as funny
As a Golden Retriever
Dreaming, the way they make
Funny sounds and try to talk.

They are as funny
As an elephant painting
A picture of mars.

They are as funny
As my little brother
Putting beans on top
Of his head.

Sometimes I’m as sad
As a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,
But without the peanut butter.
Laughing makes me happy.

This broadside celebrates the partnership of Seattle Arts & Lectures' Writers in the Schools Program and Seattle Children's Hospital, empowering pediatric patients with guidance from poets Sierra Nelson and Ann Teplick. It was produced at the School of Visual Concepts in April 2016 and letterpress printed by Sarah Kulfan in a limited edition of 110.

Learn more about the Words of Courage collaboration.